The final programme is now online!
The welcome reception as part of the conference will take place on the evening of October 5 in the spectacular 'Sauriersaal' of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Drinks and finger food will be served. The conference fee covers your participation. More information will follow soon!
The first day of the conference will be held at the Langenbeck-Virchow House, the conference location. There will be a versatile program of keynotes, workshops, poster sessions and open formats throughout the day.
The second day of the conference will take place at the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, the conference location. There will be a versatile program of keynotes, workshops, poster sessions and open formats throughout the day.
After the conference day, the Social Evening will take place.
Understanding the nature of Citizen Science in a rapidly changing world - a half day symposium organised jointly by CS Track and ECSA
CS Track, a research project funded by the European Commission, aims at broadening knowledge about Citizen Science by applying data analytics and web analytics on publicly available data from the web and collecting complementary data through questionnaires and interviews with people who take part in CS activities. For this purpose, CS Track has collected publicly available data from more than 4500 projects on the web, and conducted a questionnaire with more than 1000 participants from 30 European countries. Taking this approach, CS Track generated insights about Citizen Science and its impact in various areas during the past three years.
This symposium aims at sharing these results and findings and discussing their implications with the citizen science community. Of course, other researchers and community members are invited to share their results and approaches as well. We are particularly interested in computational tools and analysis as well as other innovative empirical approaches in order to understand the essence of CS projects, their activities and the motivations that drive people to participate in CS.
As a result, this symposium will help participants to better understand the science behind citizen science and how to maximise the benefits of Citizen Science activities for individual citizens, organisations, and society at large.
The symposium will be an interactive event inviting all participants to take an active part in the event comprising talks, demos and discussions in different formats varying from plenary talks to workshops and poster presentations.
The symposium's outcomes will feed into the recommendations and results that are drawn from the overall results and findings of the CS Track project.
Please download the symposium's programme here.
On the morning of October 8, the ECSA working groups will have the opportunity to hold their meetings on the premises of the MfN.
On Saturday, October 8, we offer three exciting excursions in and around Berlin. All excursions are sponsored by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.
Option 1
Behind-the-Scenes Tour at Museum für Naturkunde (max. 40 persons, in English)
Participants are invited to a unique behind-the-scenes tour of the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. You will have the opportunity to gain new insights into the collections and development of the museum and go on a journey of discovery. The tour is given by staff members of the MfN.
Option 2
Berlin Wall Walking Tour (max. 20 persons, in English)
We offer an exciting city tour with a thematic focus on the Berlin Wall. The tour provides insights into historical events with a special focus on the Berlin Wall.
You can find information about the city guide here:
Option 3
Nature Reserve (NABU) “Storchenschmiede Linum” (max. 30 persons, in English)
We offer a tour to a fascinating natural spectacle. In the beautiful countryside around Berlin, you can find the Storchenschmiede Linum. Participants will be given a two-hour-guided tour to observe the evening flight of numerous cranes. A bus will be provided for the journey to and from the site.
You can find more information on the NABU Storchenschmiede Linum here: